Jun 20, 2023

How to add dark and light theme in React

Many times we see some sites having dark and light themes toggle button. Then we think this is cool! but this might be difficult to add to websites. but today I will show how easy it is!

Let's start by creating a simple React app in the terminal,

npx create-react-app dark-theme-demo

We will be using Tailwind CSS. Let's add it to our React App with these simple commands.

If you use yarn ,

yarn add -D tailwindcss npx tailwindcss init

If you use npm ,

npm install -D tailwindcss npx tailwindcss init

Now let's add some configs. Add the paths to all of your src files in your tailwind.config.js file.

module.exports = { content: [ "./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", ], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], }

Also, let's add the @tailwind directives for each of Tailwind’s layers to your ./src/index.css file.

@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;

Okay, now we are all set with Tailwind.

We need to add dark mode with class strategy in tailwind.config.js file. This will let us style our site differently when dark mode is enabled.

module.exports = { // ... darkMode: 'class', }

Let's start with our demo. Create Post.jsx file in src a folder and add the below dummy Post.

const Post = () => { return ( <div className="rounded-lg shadow-xl max-w-sm px-6 py-4 bg-white dark:bg-black"> <div> <div className="font-bold text-xl mb-2 dark:text-white"> How to add dark and light theme in React </div> <p className="text-gray-700 text-base dark:text-white"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus quia, nulla! Maiores et perferendis eaque, exercitationem praesentium nihil. </p> </div> </div> ); }; export default Post;

Next add a theme toggle button by creating NavBar the component.

import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { DarkThemeButton } from "./DarkThemeButton"; const NavBar = () => { const [theme, setTheme] = useState("light"); const toggleTheme = () => { const newValue = theme === "dark" ? "light" : "dark"; setTheme(newValue); localStorage.setItem("app-theme", newValue); }; useEffect(() => { const savedTheme = localStorage.getItem("app-theme") || "light"; setTheme(savedTheme); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (theme === "dark") { document.querySelector("html").classList.remove("light"); document.querySelector("html").classList.add("dark"); } else if (theme === "light") { document.querySelector("html").classList.remove("dark"); document.querySelector("html").classList.add("light"); } }, [theme]); return ( <nav className="w-full h-20 fixed top-0 px-10 border-b border-gray-400 flex justify-end dark:bg-black"> <div className="p-4"> <DarkThemeButton theme={theme} toggleTheme={toggleTheme} /> </div> </nav> ); }; export default NavBar;

Here first we are applying a localStorage saved theme in the first useEffect hook.

In second useEffect hook, If the theme is set to dark then we remove light class & add dark class from html tag. If the theme is set to light then we remove dark class & add light class from html tag.

This is DarkThemeButton button component which is responsible for toggling the app's theme and saving the selected theme to localStorage. so even when we refresh our page then our selected theme gets applied to our app.

import { MoonIcon } from "./MoonIcon"; import { SunIcon } from "./SunIcon"; export const DarkThemeButton = ({ toggleTheme, theme }) => { const isDark = theme === "dark"; return ( <button onClick={() => toggleTheme()} className={`ml-2 inline-flex h-11 items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-full border-2 p-1 transition w-11 ${ isDark ? "border-white focus:border-white" : "" }`} > <div className="relative h-8 w-8"> {isDark ? ( <span className={`absolute inset-0 transform text-white transition duration-500 motion-reduce:duration-[0s]`} style={{ transformOrigin: "50% 100px" }} > <MoonIcon /> </span> ) : ( <span className={`absolute inset-0 transform text-black transition duration-500 motion-reduce:duration-[0s]`} style={{ transformOrigin: "50% 100px" }} > <SunIcon /> </span> )} </div> </button> ); };

For this button, I have created MoonIcon.jsx and SunIcon.jsx SVG icons,

export const MoonIcon = (props) => ( <svg className="w-full" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" {...props} > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M14.228 7.9439C10.5176 8.82869 7.75757 12.1054 7.75757 15.9987C7.75757 20.5716 11.5618 24.2919 16.2367 24.2919C19.2323 24.2919 21.9337 22.7699 23.4514 20.3585C23.2779 20.3676 23.1033 20.3722 22.9287 20.3722C17.7826 20.3722 13.5951 16.2772 13.5951 11.2435C13.5951 10.1032 13.8108 8.98914 14.228 7.9439M16.2367 26.4993C10.3171 26.4993 5.50037 21.7899 5.50037 15.9987C5.50037 10.2109 10.3171 5.49927 16.2367 5.49927C16.6598 5.49927 17.0501 5.72963 17.2435 6.09753C17.438 6.46428 17.4087 6.90668 17.1638 7.24363C16.3059 8.42297 15.8535 9.80631 15.8535 11.2435C15.8535 15.06 19.0272 18.1637 22.9287 18.1637C23.6483 18.1637 24.3573 18.0582 25.0359 17.8531C25.4378 17.7293 25.8785 17.8359 26.1738 18.1304C26.4715 18.425 26.5758 18.8559 26.4446 19.2467C25.0019 23.5847 20.9 26.4993 16.2367 26.4993" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> );
export const SunIcon = (props) => ( <svg className="w-full" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" {...props} > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M16.0003 21.4194C13.0123 21.4194 10.5813 18.9874 10.5813 15.9994C10.5813 13.0114 13.0123 10.5804 16.0003 10.5804C18.9883 10.5804 21.4193 13.0114 21.4193 15.9994C21.4193 18.9874 18.9883 21.4194 16.0003 21.4194M16.0003 8.64136C11.9423 8.64136 8.64233 11.9414 8.64233 15.9994C8.64233 20.0574 11.9423 23.3574 16.0003 23.3574C20.0573 23.3574 23.3583 20.0574 23.3583 15.9994C23.3583 11.9414 20.0573 8.64136 16.0003 8.64136" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M16.0004 7.08447C16.5364 7.08447 16.9704 6.64946 16.9704 6.11446V3.34546C16.9704 2.81046 16.5364 2.37646 16.0004 2.37646C15.4644 2.37646 15.0304 2.81046 15.0304 3.34546V6.11446C15.0304 6.64946 15.4644 7.08447 16.0004 7.08447" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M6.11559 15.0298H3.34559C2.81059 15.0298 2.37659 15.4648 2.37659 15.9998C2.37659 16.5348 2.81059 16.9688 3.34559 16.9688H6.11559C6.65159 16.9688 7.08459 16.5348 7.08459 15.9998C7.08459 15.4648 6.65159 15.0298 6.11559 15.0298" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M16.0004 24.9146C15.4644 24.9146 15.0304 25.3496 15.0304 25.8846V28.6536C15.0304 29.1886 15.4644 29.6236 16.0004 29.6236C16.5364 29.6236 16.9704 29.1886 16.9704 28.6536V25.8846C16.9704 25.3496 16.5364 24.9146 16.0004 24.9146" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M28.6542 15.0298H25.8842C25.3492 15.0298 24.9152 15.4648 24.9152 15.9998C24.9152 16.5348 25.3492 16.9688 25.8842 16.9688H28.6542C29.1902 16.9688 29.6242 16.5348 29.6242 15.9998C29.6242 15.4648 29.1902 15.0298 28.6542 15.0298" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M22.9896 9.97995C23.2376 9.97995 23.4856 9.88495 23.6756 9.69595L24.7036 8.66795C25.0816 8.28995 25.0816 7.67495 24.7036 7.29595C24.3246 6.91795 23.7106 6.91795 23.3316 7.29595L22.3036 8.32495C21.9256 8.70295 21.9256 9.31695 22.3036 9.69595C22.4926 9.88495 22.7416 9.97995 22.9896 9.97995" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M8.32507 9.69593C8.51407 9.88493 8.76207 9.97993 9.01107 9.97993C9.25907 9.97993 9.50707 9.88493 9.69607 9.69593C10.0751 9.31693 10.0751 8.70293 9.69607 8.32493L8.66807 7.29693C8.28907 6.91893 7.67507 6.91893 7.29707 7.29693C6.91807 7.67493 6.91807 8.28993 7.29707 8.66793L8.32507 9.69593Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M8.32507 22.3043L7.29707 23.3313C6.91807 23.7093 6.91807 24.3243 7.29707 24.7023C7.48607 24.8923 7.73407 24.9873 7.98207 24.9873C8.23007 24.9873 8.47807 24.8923 8.66807 24.7023L9.69607 23.6753C10.0751 23.2973 10.0751 22.6833 9.69607 22.3043C9.31807 21.9253 8.70307 21.9253 8.32507 22.3043" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M23.6752 22.3043C23.2962 21.9253 22.6822 21.9253 22.3032 22.3043C21.9252 22.6833 21.9252 23.2973 22.3042 23.6753L23.3322 24.7023C23.5212 24.8923 23.7692 24.9873 24.0182 24.9873C24.2662 24.9873 24.5142 24.8923 24.7032 24.7023C25.0822 24.3243 25.0822 23.7093 24.7032 23.3313L23.6752 22.3043Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> );

finally, update App.js by adding newly created components NavBar and Post ,

import "./App.css"; import Post from "./Post"; import NavBar from "./NavBar"; function App() { return ( <div className="w-full h-[100vh] flex flex-col justify-center items-center"> <NavBar /> <Post /> </div> ); } export default App;

Ok, that's it! we have implemented dark and light theme in our React app. Thank you!✌️


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